Brilliant Brain Games and Puzzles For Adults
Relax, recharge and give your brain a workout with our terrific selection of puzzles and brain games including:
Word Puzzles & Brain Games: Enjoy puzzles such as Word Search, Unscramble, StartsWith, Words Under Construction, Rhyme Challenge and more.
Picture Puzzles & Brain Games: Have fun and sharpen your attention to detail solving Find the Differences, Odd One Out, Two of a Kind, Shadow Finder and more.
Number & Logic Puzzles: Enhance your numeric and problem solving skills with Sudoku, Find the Digits, Sneaky Sums, Extend the Sequence, Scales & Weights, Logic Puzzles and more.
Trivia & Knowledge Puzzles: Exercise your long-term recall with trivia puzzles such as Complete It, Next, Connect It Trivia, Pictures to Movies and more.
Altogether, this book can give your mind an energizing workout as well as hours of entertainment and relaxation. Enjoy!